Disney to build affordable housing community on 80 acres in Orlando

Walt Disney World Resort has announced plans to build an affordable housing development in Orlando. Disney says it's still in the planning stages- it didn't reveal a name or when construction might begin- but it DID say the development would include more than 13-hundred apartments located near Flamingo Crossings Town Center in Orlando.

"We're excited to share that we're earmarking 80 acres of our land to create a new affordable housing development right here in Central Florida," Walt Disney World Resort President Jeff Vahle said.

The lack of affordable housing in Central Florida has become a huge issue as the costs of homes and rent have skyrocketed in the region the last couple of years.

"The development will offer residents a variety of home choices that are affordable and attainable, located in close proximity to schools and the new and expanding Flamingo Crossings Town Center retail and dining complex," Disney said in a statement.

Meanwhile, Universal is expected to begin construction on it's rent-controlled apartment community, 'Catchlight Crossings,' by the end of the year.

Image courtesy Getty

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