Eating Well has compiled a list of the top summer food trends for 2022.
We are mercifully going to be spared any more kale. I don't mind it, it's just not my favorite.
Now arugula I really don't enjoy. But many of these I do. Well, not matcha. I've tried it a few times, at least in beverage form... and I don't get it. Sadly I tried it and didn't like it before I ever saw it in ice cream form. I *might* try that, but I wouldn't hold my breath.
Visit Eating Well to get their list of the top 10, I'll just include a few here for you to see:
1) Passion Fruit.
It's tasty! When it's blended with other things, though, it's not always the standout. But I like it.
2) Cucumber Everything.
I'm on board to try 100%. Cukes are tasty.
3) Baby Bok Choy.
Yes! One of my favorite meals is braised pork belly with marinated eggs served over baby bok choy.
4) Matcha.
Ugh. See above.
5) Lavender.
I'm guessing this will be mostly cocktails and desserts. But I'm willing to try. If anyone knows where to find a lavender infused dish or drink, hit me up and let me know!