Florida's Favorite GameDay Food

The Big Game is upon us. What are your goto snacks?

For me, it's chips and charcuterie with a heavy preference for the chips being nachos! And not just tortilla chips and cheese, I'm talking full on layered nachos with shredded cheese on top popped under the broiler to make it all melty. Delish!

But on the whole, Florida's favorite game day snack is WINGS!

I can get behind that, but I'm not going to either make them or pick them up usually, so it's rare for me to have wings on game day.

I'm loving some other sates' answers though. Korean BBQ in Georgia? Yum! Chocolate Chip cookies in Texas? Heck yeah!

Check out the google trends map here and get some ideas of what to service for the big game this weekend.

Tailgate party spread with hot wings, pig in a blanket, nachos, pretzels, and popcorn with football and a football jersey.

Photo: Getty Images

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